Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer 2013 Update

Hi all,

It's been quite some time since I've posted out an update. Lots of change has occurred at DHC New Life Center. Five of the children, now young adults (!), that you have helped over the years have completed their mandatory secondary education, passed their School Leaving Certificate examinations with flying colors, and are now moving out of the home to embark on another chapter of their lives where they will be pursuing their 'Plus 2' education. They will continue to receive support from DHC New Life via their own families and the support of various international donors and organizations, including TRIFC. Following my post below is a recent email from Amrit and DHC New Life Management Board in Nepal. 

2013 Graduates - June 2013

Here's also a link to a recent youtube video that we at TRIFC used for a recent Jolkona fundraising campaign that highlights these five wonderful teens.

Additionally, DHC New Life Center admitted 5 more children. Some with and without disabilities. It's an exciting time for the children and for DHC New Life and I am happy that we can be a part of this.

New children at DHC New Life - May 2013

The children and teens all dressed up for the new school year

We at TRIFC continue to help with Educational and Health funding for these children of DHC New Life Center along with our other project homes. It's really hard to believe it's been 7 years since we've embarked on this journey with the kids at DHC New Life and the kids at DRC. With your help and TRIFC's involvement, we've all come a long way!

Thanks everyone and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!!!


Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 12:42:05 +0545
Subject: DHC New Life Center Graduation Ceremony

Dear Donors and Supporters

Saturday 29th June 2013 was a day of  celebration tinged with some sadness, as we marked the graduation of Bharat, Ajaya, Sarvana, Shanta and Soma, the first of the family to move from the Care House to independent living,as they commence their College education and now graduate to become valued and loved members of our extended family.

We had a wonderful day with the DHC New Life Board members and neighbours sharing in the celebrations. Shanta is not in the photos as she was unable to make the journey back from her village.She has enrolled in a local College and we all sent her our love and very best wishes.

At this time we also thanks you all for your generous support. Without you there would have been no possibility for these talented and dedicated young adults to be able to continue on with higher education and work towards to fulfilling their dreams for the future.

Warm Regards Amrit and members of the DHC New Life Management Board.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

What?! It's 2013 already?!

Dear Friends, Namaste!

It’s really hard to believe that it’s 2013 and so much time has passed since I last posted! Where did that time go? I’ll spare you the details, but I know where it went and let’s just say last year was a doozy!  Kidding aside, as I reflect back on all that happened last year I am reminded again of how grateful I am to have a home, nourishment, clothing, access to quality healthcare, and most importantly, a loving spouse and a supportive circle of friends and family.

So here we are, it’s 2013 and it started off on the right foot with good health, good spirits and an excitement for what’s to come. No matter what is going on in our lives, time marches on and the world does not stop for us. Can you believe it?! It’s hard to fathom that it is already February and on top of that, it has been seven years since that fateful trip to Nepal where I met the wonderful kids that we’ve had the opportunity to serve over the years.

I have not been back since then, but I am there in spirit! Fortunately, with the Internet, we’ve been able to stay in touch and with TRIFC’s help, continue to assist the children by way of healthcare and education funding. As a matter of fact, fellow TRIFC board members, Rose Stevens and Gina Rose, are in Nepal right now checking in on the many TRIFC projects we are involved with and are planning to make a visit to DHC New Life while they are there! Yay!

So stay tuned! Shortly, I hope to catch you up on the happenings with DHC NewLife Center, DRC, our partnership with Jolkona and much more! Thanks so much for all you’ve done over the years! Not only by way of your donations, but for your interest in these kids!

Until next time,